Friday, December 23, 2011

P'shat in II Maccabees...

For the past few months I've been mulling over an issue concerning II Maccabees explicit mentioning of the Jews taking lulav and estrog during chanukah. I understand that while under Greek control we were unable to bring korbanos, but how could the Jewish people ignore / overrule the explicit command to celebrate sukkos during sukkos and not any other time of year?

Then, I stumbled across this article. In short, the answer I came across is that the lulav and estrog were not just spiritual tools taken up with the commencing of sukkos but they were also symbols of military success ~ a very apropos banner to parade the Maccabees  victory over Yerushalaim. 

Thank you Dr. Fine for the contribution.....

Alternatively, you can stick with the Aruch Hashulchan in halacha ה


  1. As reference to other articles..

  2. or
