Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Etz Chayim and the Conservative Movement

Upon recently attending the bat-mitzvah of one of my closer relatives, I had the unique opportunity to read through a number of commentaries offered by JTS in their most recent addition of the Etz Chayim Chumash. Additionally, I was able to analyze the essays printed in the appendix which attempt to explain the  theological foundations of the movement. However, a number of inherently contradictory positions concerning the origins, role and importance of the written and oral law left me not only confused but restless for the remainder of that Shabbat.

Enclosed is an article which analyzes the Conservative Movement's approach to P'shat, Drash and Halacha as stated in their publications and public announcements. From a purely intellectual standpoint, I found myself having been confused with the same inherently contradictory positions enumerated in the Conservative Movement's writings. While I did find this essay a unabashed in its critique of the Conservative movement's pillars of faith, I must agree that the degree of self-contradiction in Etz Chayim is baffling to all who take it seriously.

For the sake of convenience, I have taken the liberty of highlighting what I'd consider to be the main points of the article.

Article Link: Etz Chayim and the Conservative Movement

Friday, March 2, 2012

An Insightful Shidduch Resume?

        Recently, I was asked to put together my own shidduch resume before being able to see a girl who was recommended for me. Personally, I consider the whole business silly. Please remind me again what insight a mere two pages can provide into the vastly vibrant and ornamented corridors of a human soul?

       At least to me, each resume seems to appear identical. Everyone wants the same things, has the same middos, has essentially compatible hashkafos and basically went to the same schools/camps.  So what exactly might we be attempting to transmit with the swapping of this info?

Off the top of my head, Click Here To Read More

You Never Know......


The Tragedy of Cain and Abel

Soulful Fire

Try not to tap your foot.....I dare you