Friday, March 2, 2012

An Insightful Shidduch Resume?

        Recently, I was asked to put together my own shidduch resume before being able to see a girl who was recommended for me. Personally, I consider the whole business silly. Please remind me again what insight a mere two pages can provide into the vastly vibrant and ornamented corridors of a human soul?

       At least to me, each resume seems to appear identical. Everyone wants the same things, has the same middos, has essentially compatible hashkafos and basically went to the same schools/camps.  So what exactly might we be attempting to transmit with the swapping of this info?

Off the top of my head, Click Here To Read More
the only things that I could see ascertainable via these generic 'ad-lib-ish compositions' were:
            - A person's limited knowledge of verbs and adverbs
            - A person's impoverished grammar and spleling
            - The amount of money one's parents make

 Essentially, the whole thing only tells me how well you  understand what a typical guy is looking for in a wife. We like to call that the "About Me" paragraph.

      This is not to discredit the system. I do believe the shidduch system is, to date (pun intended), the best system out there for setting up those ready for serious commitment. But the only things which I might truly want to know before blindly trusting that 'Best' Friend / Esteemed Colleague / Great Aunt to set me up with someone are rarely in the resume.

        So, knowing that I had to waste a good deal of my time writing that which was essentially a test of my understanding of what girls want to hear, I did my best to spice up my resume with a pinch of witty sarcasm for having put me through the process. Essentially, I took a resume from a girl I had recently dated and turned her wording into my own sarcastic X-mas list, swapping he's for hers, she's for me's. Unfortunately for the time being, I see my resume as being exceptionally personifying  and uniquely rare (pictures of my family aside).

        Now that I think about it, writing 'custom-made' shidduch resumes for people might be a great business venture. I could add this to my list of 100 easiest multi-million-dollar ideas. Check off a few boxes, decide what you're looking for and walla, your own customized shidduch resume!

If you can think of anything else you'd like to see in your GF/BF's/SGF's/GBF's resume (bank account statement, pic before braces, decibels of their snoring, video of their feet or other important information) please feel free to leave your recommendations in the comments box below

Happy Dating :)

1 comment:

  1. I think that this is a wonderfully frank estimate on the shidduch dating scene (not that I have my knowledge/experience on it myself), but from what I've learned of it so far, this is partially what it boils down to.

    I have to be honest, I think your sarcasm is hilarious, and (at the risk of being completely out of line and breaking the rules) would like to get to know you. Too weird? Random? I mean c'mon, who wouldn't want to get to know some random person over the web? I will tell you honestly though, that I am not some creepy 40 year old guy or any variation of it, and if you're up for it, we should strike up a conversation.
